Mt. Shasta Nothern California, 14,762 ft, July 2001



Mt. Shasta from below


Mt. Shasta a closer view


Ready to go the two caballeros, Dimitris Fotakis and Nikos Galatsanos


Views of the mountain day 1


Views of the mountain day 1


Views of the mountain day 1


Camping at night end of day 1


Climbing Avalanche Gulch 3:00am day 2


N. Galatsanos resting while climbing Avalanche Gulch 4:00am day 2, not a happy camper


D. Fotakis resting while climbing Avalanche Gulch 4:00am day 2, seems like a happy camper


N. Galatsanos feeling tired, cold and miserable, why did we do this?


The view looking down


Finally at the summit, very windy and cold up there


On the way down Avalanche Gulch


We made it, thank God !!!